Simple sentence pattern IV: Subject (S) + Predicate (P) + Object (O) (+ Adjunct)
- The Elements of a Subject: Noun (N), Noun Phrase (NP), and Pronoun (Pro).
- The Elements of a Predicate: Transitive Verb with One Object.
- The Elements of an Object: Noun (N), Noun Phrase (NP), and Pronoun (Pro) as an Object.
- The Elements of an Adjunct: Adverbs of Frequency, Manner, Place, Time, Reason, Purpose, Concession, and Sentence.
- I (S) visit (P) some Internet sites (O) regularly (Adjunct).
- The employees use computers at work and at home.
- Some of them access the Internet with their own laptop.
- The students use emails every day.
- Most of them write emails in English.
- One of them studies English with his own notebook.
- John accesses his email twice a day.
- He sends fourteen emails a week.
- On the average, he gets sixty emails a week.
- Susan has a digital camera.
- She sends photos by email.
- Servers handle mails.
- A server handles a mail.
- We offer a few products.
- People buy products.
- A product gives benefit and satisfaction.
- They develop new products.
- The workers require vacations.
- Firms face numerous decisions.
- All of you understand my / his / her / our / their problem.